Saturday, May 30, 2009

Critical Mass Bike Ride

We are not blocking traffic, we are the traffic!!!
Pedals are Power!!!

I attended the Critical Mass Ride of May last Friday afternoon. The sunshine is perfect, and it is so good to be a part of the special 'Blue Shirt Team' A.K.A. Vancouver marathon bike escort team.

Here is the photo of me and my bike buddies:

You could see the captain from my sunglasses. He is taking picture for me, LOL

This photo looks a little bit weird. I guess the reason is I was drinking from my water bag.

We shut down the Burrard Bridge

I had a conversation with a co-worker who is both a cyclist and a driver before I went to the event. She said she like riding bike, but does not like the Critical Mass. As some people may get late for appointments or important events because cyclists block their way. It also frustrates the bus drivers, as being puncture is their responsibility but they cannot be there on time because of the Critical Mass bike ride blocks their way.

I thought her concern makes sense. So I paid many attentions to other road users when I was riding in the event. Almost all drivers are pretty cooperative, it is not a big deal, it probably only take 10-15 minutes for all the bikes passing by the intersection, so they won't be delayed too long. And it is only once per month in the Friday evening, so nobody is really in a hurry. Many pedestrians enjoyed watching and shooting us, and a boy at the bus stop of Main Street even shouted out "Keep on going! I'm patient !"

I love this event, I'll definitely go for the next time.

Critical Mass is a grassroots reclamation of public space -- a bike ride and skate -- held the last Friday of every month. You are invited to enjoy the safety and comfort in the car-free space that we create by simply riding together! Bicycles, skateboards, rollerskates, self propelled couches, and any other form of human powered locomotion are all welcomed! Critical Mass Vancouver Website is:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Your smile is so bright and catching that I cannot help to smile too.

Like an angel, when you smile, there is no room for depression, hesitation, jealousness. Life becomes a feather, fly in the sky, all the way up to heaven.

Everyone has own story; everyone has its own gray sky.

But, on the bridge
Sea winds cool off your mind
Crystal blue sky gently holds you
In the arms of an angel
You smile like angel

My soul was moved by your smile
Tears dropping from my smiling face

All the best to you and your friends