Saturday, March 8, 2008

hot yoga at home

Although Hot Yoga is the most satisfying when practiced in the heat, there is nothing stopping you doing your poses outside of the heated room! After all, some yoga is better than no Hot Yoga…

If you want a quick pick-me-up then you could do:
1) a set or 2 of Pranayama
2) 2 sets of Half Moon with Hands2Feet.
I prefer to count my long slow breaths instead of seconds. 15 breaths first set and 10 breaths second set. Backbend 7 breaths both sets. And Hands2Feet 20 breaths both times.

You can either stop there or carry on with a set routine.
I like to do:
3) Standing Separate Leg Stretching (2 sets) then
4) Triangle (1 set)
5) Cobra (2 sets)
6) Camel (2 sets)
7) Rabbit (1 set) then
8) Twist (1 set).

Hold for about 10 breaths on each of 3) to 8). All in all it takes me 20 mins.

If you have more time, maybe you could consider doing each pose once. It should take you about one hour. It is great to do it that way. Doing each pose twice gets you greater body warmth and flexibility and therefore depth but the benefits will be there for you regardless.

Enjoy yourself!


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