VS2008: the X button is still in the right top corner.
But it got a new feature for the tabs, the tab is highlighted when the mouse moves to it....
Finally, the VS2010 moved the X button to the place it should be, LOL. I noticed this feature in yesterday's event, it is really exciting! Here is the screenshot I found from internet, I didn't install the VS2010 on my machine.
We are using Microsoft's OS, Microsoft's Office, Microsoft's browser, Microsoft's SQL server, Microsoft's VS, Microsoft's MSDN, Microsoft's best practices, Micrsoft's ... Microsoft's ...
Microsoft is not micro, neither soft at all.
Whereever, whenever they make a change on a thing as tiny as the X button, our life is affected.
Mr. Visual Studio is not happy, so he removed his ironic X smiles from many of his facial expressions; however, MS. Univeral Studio is not happy about this, "hi, Mr. Visaul, you look weired, where are your ironic X smiles that I have seen a lot when you are hosting that program, Internet Exploring?"
Mr Visual doesn't want to look weired to MS Univeral, so he managed to put his ironic X smiles on many of his facial expressions.
MS Univeral is happy now.
However, Mr Visual is still not happy, further, he thinks those X smiles look weird on his unhappy face.
So, why is Mr Visual not happy at the first place?
Well, he just couldn't make a decision on if to abandon those ironic X smiles or not.
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