Monday, January 7, 2008

读完10本英文小说计划 3) Talking to Blue & 4) Blue Murder

本来是从图书馆的teenager区域先借了Blue Murder这本,生词出奇得少。
但是回家在网上一查,发现好像不读Talking to Blue这本,就没有办法看懂Blue Murder。索性就再把Talking to Blue也借过来,一起读。

Talking to Blue, 共191页。
Mike is an ordinary guy from New Zealand. His town is caught up in a series of murders - and Mike has had contact with all the victims shortly before they are killed. As the police unravel a series of clues trying to find sadistical murderer Blue, who kills people wearing the colour blue, Mike must deal with his life without his recently dead parents, his girlfriend Sheril and a weirdo who he is certain Mike is Blue. All the while Mike receives mysterious phone calls from Blue... It turns out new teacher at school Mr Yeomans is a cop, and he's trying to find out if the murderer goes to Mike's school. The book is ended with Mike's arrest as the police believe he is Blue. The other books in this series Blue Murder and Blue Blood continue Mike's story.

Blue Murder,共205页。
The sequel to �Talking to Blue.� Mike is now in an asylum because everyone thinks he is Blue, and no one believes his protestations of innocence. Now, however, there is another Blue murder. Released back into the community Mike tries to make a new life, but Blue is back in contact � and he is ready to kill again.

---------------------Feb 12, 2008---------------------------
Finally, I finished the Talk to Blue tonight. It is the first book that I completely finished. ^_^
But I don't like it as a story, it is such a long story without an ending.....Just tells the weird things happened on Mike: The mysterious serial-killer Blue keeps calling Mike, but Mike just can not find who Blue is...
I'm going to move on to next book, hopefully, I could also finish it before its due day (Feb 24)...

---------------------Feb 25, 2008---------------------------
It is a miracle but I made it :) I finished the 205-page Blue Murder in 13 days, actually, I read the final 50 pages today. My plan seems worked, my reading speed is improved, haha.
To be honest, I still don't like the story. In the blue murder, Mike confessed Blue is a part of himself, he killed all those victims as they either had affairs with his parents, or just because he don't like them. In the last chapter, Mike even wanted to kill the girl he loved, just avoid she to destroy him...In the end, the girl still alive, and Mike is lost. It seems the girl killed Mike....
I have heard there is another book Blue Blood, which is the sequel for Blue Murder. No, I won't read it. The story really sucks...

Anyway, it brings me peace of mind that I really finished 2 English novels ^_^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
