Thursday, February 14, 2008

Studying the root NAT, SEQE/SECU, TRACT

Studied 12 new words with the 3 roots which I learned yesterday.
1) NAT = be born;
nationality, supernatural, cognate, naive
2) TRACT = pull, draw;
distraction, portrayal, protract, abstract
3) SEQU/SECU = follow
inconsequential, secondary, sequel, persecute

Sophia, a woman of Greek NATIONALITY, wanted a DISTRACTION and decided to study the SUPERNATURAL. Familiar with COGNATES, she examined languages that gave a PORTRAYAL of creatures and unexplained events. Perhaps she was NAIVE but she even pursued INCONSEQUENTIAL details and information of a SECONDARY nature. She became so involved that she indicated a need to PROTRACT her analysis. The final SEQUEL to her interest ended with unkind associates who were annoyed with her obsession of ABSTRACT circumstances. They began to PERSECUTE her for her fantasies.

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