Bike to work: 15 days.
Totally workdays in office: 17 days
Bike commute percentage: 88%
Total Marathon practice ride: 21 * 8 + 35 = 203 KM
Total distance ride: 8.55 * 2 * 15 + 203 + some riding to/from the practice place + extra riding in the weekends = 500+ KM
Total Calories burned in riding: > 10,000 Calories (Don’t ask me how I calculate this value, there are so many different calculation ways. I just stick to the simplest way of 20 cal/km)
According to the calories I burned, I should have lost 1.1kg fat. And it seems I really lost ~ 1KG
BMI = 21.26 now.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
My new photo: look at the teeth
That's my new looking from the bike accident. One front tooth is chopped in the middle and another front tooth is broken in the very end of its root, so it looks longer than usual.
This new looking will last until May 15, when my dentist has time to do root canal and some maxinum filling. To my surprise, they said they are still able to save my teeth. Thanks for the technology. :)
Monday, April 27, 2009
Technician in Sportschek knows nothing about bikes
I went to sportscheck and asked the technician to fix my bike. I tried to explain the front brake is too tight, I need him to make it looser. He pulled the bike over with his hand, and tried to brake on the right handle bar which is the back brake. I had to tell him, it is the issue of the front brake. Then he got on the bike, rode around slowly and try to brake. I even saw the back tire jumped up from the floor when he braked. But when he came back, he said the brake worked fine!!! I have to tell him I actually already fell down from the bike because of this brake. And I guess he still not understand, as he asked me to leave my bike there instead of fixing it right away.
Later, I went back to the store in evening. The technician is not there, and another store staff gave me my bike. I tried it immediately, the front brake was as tight as before. I have to told the staff that my issue had not been fixed. He also said the front brake works good, it is the cyclist's responsibility to make sure using the back brake first then the front brake. Well, it may works for other cyclists, but for me I will grab both 2 brakes together as fast as possible if there is an emergency. Anyway, he loosed my front brake and warned me that eventually my back brake would wear out. It sounds like a funny warning to me.
Definitely a bike needs to be stopped by its back wheel instead of front wheel. But who should make sure that? The cyclist or the brakes?
Later, I went back to the store in evening. The technician is not there, and another store staff gave me my bike. I tried it immediately, the front brake was as tight as before. I have to told the staff that my issue had not been fixed. He also said the front brake works good, it is the cyclist's responsibility to make sure using the back brake first then the front brake. Well, it may works for other cyclists, but for me I will grab both 2 brakes together as fast as possible if there is an emergency. Anyway, he loosed my front brake and warned me that eventually my back brake would wear out. It sounds like a funny warning to me.
Definitely a bike needs to be stopped by its back wheel instead of front wheel. But who should make sure that? The cyclist or the brakes?
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Never complain about bad day, it could becomes worse
It's a sunny Sunday today, I was very happy when I got up as I'm going to ride with some funny people for a marathon course.
The 1st thing ruins my day is, I went to the skytrain at 6:30 AM and found it is not open yet. It begins to run from 7:30 AM on Sunday. Lessons learned: Never take anything for granted, I should at least check the operation hours of skytrain the day before.
Then I have to ride to the gather place, as the only bus I known seems slower than my bike. I forgot my unhappy about the skytrain when I was ridding fast on the flat Kingsway which does not have many cars in the morning. But just out of sudden, I felt something became weird with my bike. God, I got a flat tire! I cannot be there on time and I didn't bring the captain's phone number. To my surprise, the radio still works over 10 KM, and I got contacted with the captain. I calmed myself down and went back home to get my tire pitched. Lessons learned: Bring the contact information any time.
It's the 2nd time for me to do the patch as my mountain bike usually gets only 1 flat tire per year. I usually don't bring the patches with me as I believe if it gets a flat tire the best thing I can do is taking public transit to the destination, then bring the bike home and fix it after I get my other things done. This thinking works for my daily commute, but definitely not works for an bike activity like today. Lessons learned: Think more before an important activity, don't let my habits lead me to the wrong way.
Eventually, I fixed the tire and took skytrain to the gather place. But my radio stopped working. I could hear other people but nobody could hear me. I heard the captain called me several times, but I cannot answer. I began to complain how tough the day is, and I was too focused on complaining that I forgot to use my brain to think why the radio is not working. Actually it is just the plugin of the speaker is loose. Lessons Learned: Calm down and use brain, especially when everything seems against me.
Finally I found the team from the street names they talked with each other, I have to thank myself for doing some homework on the maps the day before. Then I got a happy ride with bells on. Later, a happy lunch with funny people on my table, and I got a good helmet from the lucky draw... Things seem getting better and I think that's the end of my bad day as it cannot get any worse, the one thing could possibly make it worse is another flat tire on my ride home.
But, it seems the universe just wants to let me know how poor my imagination is. I actually made my nightmare of many years comes ture.
Well, I think I should be thankful for and respect the universe. At least, I'm still alive...
The 1st thing ruins my day is, I went to the skytrain at 6:30 AM and found it is not open yet. It begins to run from 7:30 AM on Sunday. Lessons learned: Never take anything for granted, I should at least check the operation hours of skytrain the day before.
Then I have to ride to the gather place, as the only bus I known seems slower than my bike. I forgot my unhappy about the skytrain when I was ridding fast on the flat Kingsway which does not have many cars in the morning. But just out of sudden, I felt something became weird with my bike. God, I got a flat tire! I cannot be there on time and I didn't bring the captain's phone number. To my surprise, the radio still works over 10 KM, and I got contacted with the captain. I calmed myself down and went back home to get my tire pitched. Lessons learned: Bring the contact information any time.
It's the 2nd time for me to do the patch as my mountain bike usually gets only 1 flat tire per year. I usually don't bring the patches with me as I believe if it gets a flat tire the best thing I can do is taking public transit to the destination, then bring the bike home and fix it after I get my other things done. This thinking works for my daily commute, but definitely not works for an bike activity like today. Lessons learned: Think more before an important activity, don't let my habits lead me to the wrong way.
Eventually, I fixed the tire and took skytrain to the gather place. But my radio stopped working. I could hear other people but nobody could hear me. I heard the captain called me several times, but I cannot answer. I began to complain how tough the day is, and I was too focused on complaining that I forgot to use my brain to think why the radio is not working. Actually it is just the plugin of the speaker is loose. Lessons Learned: Calm down and use brain, especially when everything seems against me.
Finally I found the team from the street names they talked with each other, I have to thank myself for doing some homework on the maps the day before. Then I got a happy ride with bells on. Later, a happy lunch with funny people on my table, and I got a good helmet from the lucky draw... Things seem getting better and I think that's the end of my bad day as it cannot get any worse, the one thing could possibly make it worse is another flat tire on my ride home.
But, it seems the universe just wants to let me know how poor my imagination is. I actually made my nightmare of many years comes ture.
Well, I think I should be thankful for and respect the universe. At least, I'm still alive...
Nightmare comes true today
To my dear front teeth, I never want you to go...
I always have a nightmare of falling and breaking my front teeth for many years.
The root reason may be when I was only 7, I broke my front tooth(teeth) when playing on ice with my classmates. I still remember the vivid scene (age 14+) of red blood on the white ice , so scaring...
I'm not good at sports at all, I guess because I don't have a good sense of balance. My friend in University still remember she was always surprised to see me lying on the ground when we were still walking together one second ago. Things become good when I start to ware high heels, I seldom fall down from walking since then.
I still have this nightmare. When I start to learn ice skating, I'm so afraid of falling & break teeth. When I start to learn skiing, I still have the same fear. When I start to learn roller blade, I also have the same fear.
Then I fell from my roller blade and hurt my face/lips/teeth last weekend. Fortunately only one tooth was loose, and no teeth were chipped. I was actually happy with that fall, as I think the nightmare has come true in a harmless way. I don't need to worry about it anymore.
But I fell again from the bike today, which is the last thing I could possibly fall from... I have been so comfortable with a bike for a long time. The front brake is too tight, and I noticed it long time ago but did not pay much attention to. I always think I could avoid the trouble by being careful with the brake, but it seems I cannot always be careful. This time I'm not that lucky, 2 teeth got chipped, and 1 tooth got looser and falls lower, hopefully it can grow back... OK, learned another lesson today...
Anyway, I still need to be more careful in the future. I won't ignore anything that could put myself into danger. I got a full face helmet and I'm going to fix the tight brake tomorrow....
I always have a nightmare of falling and breaking my front teeth for many years.
The root reason may be when I was only 7, I broke my front tooth(teeth) when playing on ice with my classmates. I still remember the vivid scene (age 14+) of red blood on the white ice , so scaring...
I'm not good at sports at all, I guess because I don't have a good sense of balance. My friend in University still remember she was always surprised to see me lying on the ground when we were still walking together one second ago. Things become good when I start to ware high heels, I seldom fall down from walking since then.
I still have this nightmare. When I start to learn ice skating, I'm so afraid of falling & break teeth. When I start to learn skiing, I still have the same fear. When I start to learn roller blade, I also have the same fear.
Then I fell from my roller blade and hurt my face/lips/teeth last weekend. Fortunately only one tooth was loose, and no teeth were chipped. I was actually happy with that fall, as I think the nightmare has come true in a harmless way. I don't need to worry about it anymore.
But I fell again from the bike today, which is the last thing I could possibly fall from... I have been so comfortable with a bike for a long time. The front brake is too tight, and I noticed it long time ago but did not pay much attention to. I always think I could avoid the trouble by being careful with the brake, but it seems I cannot always be careful. This time I'm not that lucky, 2 teeth got chipped, and 1 tooth got looser and falls lower, hopefully it can grow back... OK, learned another lesson today...
Anyway, I still need to be more careful in the future. I won't ignore anything that could put myself into danger. I got a full face helmet and I'm going to fix the tight brake tomorrow....
Friday, April 24, 2009
copied from:
有一位作家说过:“如果我们感到可怜,很可能会一直感到可怜。”快乐也许只是一种生活态度,一种生活习惯。心理学博士凯伦。撒尔玛索恩女士说:“我们 的生活有太多不确定的因素,你随时可能会被突如其来的变化扰乱心情。与其随波逐流,不如有意识地培养一些让你快乐的习惯,随时帮助自己调整心情。”以下 Psytopic介绍的19种快乐习惯,也许有几款适合您。
不少能干的主妇,会从星期六一大早起床开始,马不停蹄地做家务活,如收拾屋子,清洗马桶等。这样的习惯常常会让人在星期六晚上疲惫不堪,并影响到星期 日的睡眠。不妨暂时抛开那些琐碎的家务活,在周末的清晨做一个美美的白日梦。不要自责,而应鼓励自己说:“我工作那么辛苦,挥霍一下自己的休息时间,无可 厚非。”
吃一顿大餐的美妙在于,不仅能享受到美味可口的食物,还能让你感觉自己受到了特别礼遇。人在受到与别人不同的照顾时,心情会不知不觉地变好。我们在小 时侯都可能有类似这样的经历:当父母特意为你买了一只与其他孩子不一样的、漂亮的碗,你会高高兴兴地吃下比平时多的食物,即使不爱吃的食物也变得“可爱” 起来。
挑选10——15张别致的卡片,放在包中随身携带,在等公共汽车、排队结帐、等人时,随手拿出一张写上只字片语,如 “想念你”、“愿你的心情和今天的天气一样灿烂”、“一定要幸福哟”、“想起我们上大学的日子”等等,然后邮寄给你的朋友。当所有的卡片都被一一写完并邮 寄出去后,一想到朋友们收到卡片时惊喜的表情,你会露出发自内心的迷人笑容。
有一位作家说过:“如果我们感到可怜,很可能会一直感到可怜。”快乐也许只是一种生活态度,一种生活习惯。心理学博士凯伦。撒尔玛索恩女士说:“我们 的生活有太多不确定的因素,你随时可能会被突如其来的变化扰乱心情。与其随波逐流,不如有意识地培养一些让你快乐的习惯,随时帮助自己调整心情。”以下 Psytopic介绍的19种快乐习惯,也许有几款适合您。
不少能干的主妇,会从星期六一大早起床开始,马不停蹄地做家务活,如收拾屋子,清洗马桶等。这样的习惯常常会让人在星期六晚上疲惫不堪,并影响到星期 日的睡眠。不妨暂时抛开那些琐碎的家务活,在周末的清晨做一个美美的白日梦。不要自责,而应鼓励自己说:“我工作那么辛苦,挥霍一下自己的休息时间,无可 厚非。”
吃一顿大餐的美妙在于,不仅能享受到美味可口的食物,还能让你感觉自己受到了特别礼遇。人在受到与别人不同的照顾时,心情会不知不觉地变好。我们在小 时侯都可能有类似这样的经历:当父母特意为你买了一只与其他孩子不一样的、漂亮的碗,你会高高兴兴地吃下比平时多的食物,即使不爱吃的食物也变得“可爱” 起来。
挑选10——15张别致的卡片,放在包中随身携带,在等公共汽车、排队结帐、等人时,随手拿出一张写上只字片语,如 “想念你”、“愿你的心情和今天的天气一样灿烂”、“一定要幸福哟”、“想起我们上大学的日子”等等,然后邮寄给你的朋友。当所有的卡片都被一一写完并邮 寄出去后,一想到朋友们收到卡片时惊喜的表情,你会露出发自内心的迷人笑容。
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Bike to work week May 11 - 17
Bike to work week website:
Girls in my company named our bike team as Escargot, as we (ok, it is me) ride as slow as escargots.
See, even escargots can ride, so do you!
Girls in my company named our bike team as Escargot, as we (ok, it is me) ride as slow as escargots.
See, even escargots can ride, so do you!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Cycling route planner website
This website shows elevation gains. It is perfect for cyclists like me who hate uphills.
But the calculation for routes is not smart enough, it chose a 15 km alternative route for me to avoid uphills but my regular route is only 8.8 km. Sometimes it may even keep on calculating for a couple of hours. You may have to kill the IE process to stop it.
I don't believe the calories calculation result, it seems the weight of elevation gain VS speed is not proper. I definitely sweat more on my way home than go to work, as it is more steep.
My way to work:
Route length: 8.852 km.
Estimated time: 0 hr 35 min.
Speed: 15km/hr
Calories burned: 192.5 kCal.
Elevation gain: 71 m.
My way from work:
Route length: 8.841 km.
Estimated time: 0 hr 53 min.
Speed: 10km/hr
Calories burned: 192.3 kCal.
Elevation gain: 153 m.
This website shows elevation gains. It is perfect for cyclists like me who hate uphills.
But the calculation for routes is not smart enough, it chose a 15 km alternative route for me to avoid uphills but my regular route is only 8.8 km. Sometimes it may even keep on calculating for a couple of hours. You may have to kill the IE process to stop it.
I don't believe the calories calculation result, it seems the weight of elevation gain VS speed is not proper. I definitely sweat more on my way home than go to work, as it is more steep.
My way to work:
Route length: 8.852 km.
Estimated time: 0 hr 35 min.
Speed: 15km/hr
Calories burned: 192.5 kCal.
Elevation gain: 71 m.
My way from work:
Route length: 8.841 km.
Estimated time: 0 hr 53 min.
Speed: 10km/hr
Calories burned: 192.3 kCal.
Elevation gain: 153 m.
Monday, April 20, 2009
VOcation plan change
I applied to take vacation day off on Monday. Later I changed my mind and decided to take Tuesday off instead. I wrote an email with the subject of "Vocation plan change" to my manager.
He replied very fast: It is totally ok to switch Monday with Tuesday. But if you are really planning to change your vOcation, we need a serious talk.
He replied very fast: It is totally ok to switch Monday with Tuesday. But if you are really planning to change your vOcation, we need a serious talk.
Friday, April 17, 2009
You got a package
The economic crisis has changed some words' basic meaning, e.g. "package".
A co-worker C saw a parcel was on the frontdesk for another co-worker D. Then C walked out the office building and accidently saw D was walking in.
C said to D: Hi, you got a package.
D: ??!!!
C: I'm so sorry, I didnot mean know. The package is from amazon...
A co-worker C saw a parcel was on the frontdesk for another co-worker D. Then C walked out the office building and accidently saw D was walking in.
C said to D: Hi, you got a package.
D: ??!!!
C: I'm so sorry, I didnot mean know. The package is from amazon...
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Vancouver Marathon Cycle Escort Team - Volunteers still wanted
Copied from:
Almost 20 riders showed up for our first practice last night, riding 10km in a leisurely 90 minutes to generalize ourselves with the race course. At 7:30pm we finished at Something Good Italian Bistro in Yaletown for some slices and soda, compliments of race sponsors. This is my first time volunteering for the team; it was a pleasure to meet a friendly group for an easy ride and have my questions answered:
A marathon is a footrace. Why are cyclists needed?
A 26 mile footrace winding through city streets and parks requires a ton of logistics and support. The cycle escort team helps with this, leading the runners from the start line and sweeping up the rear of the pack. They also act as eyes & ears for race officials and the course technical team.
Am I expected to cycle 26 miles (42.2 km)?
Not necessarily. The cycle team welcomes volunteer riders of all ability, and there are other events we support, such as the half marathon and an 8k race. The riding is spread out over several hours; with all the crowds, noise and excitement on race day, you may hardly notice the effort.
What kind of commitment is involved?
The cycle team practices Tuesday & Thursday nights during April, meeting 5:45pm at the Plaza of Nations taxi stand at 750 Pacific Boulevard, across the street from BC Place. We do a full-course practice Sunday April 26 at 7am, race day is May 3 from 6am to 3pm. It's not mandatory to attend every practice ride - we're all volunteers, so things are flexible.
How do I sign up?
Register online at the Vancouver Marathon website, email team captain Brian at the above address and come enjoy the next practice!
The main website for the 2009 Vancouver Marathon is
Almost 20 riders showed up for our first practice last night, riding 10km in a leisurely 90 minutes to generalize ourselves with the race course. At 7:30pm we finished at Something Good Italian Bistro in Yaletown for some slices and soda, compliments of race sponsors. This is my first time volunteering for the team; it was a pleasure to meet a friendly group for an easy ride and have my questions answered:
A marathon is a footrace. Why are cyclists needed?
A 26 mile footrace winding through city streets and parks requires a ton of logistics and support. The cycle escort team helps with this, leading the runners from the start line and sweeping up the rear of the pack. They also act as eyes & ears for race officials and the course technical team.
Am I expected to cycle 26 miles (42.2 km)?
Not necessarily. The cycle team welcomes volunteer riders of all ability, and there are other events we support, such as the half marathon and an 8k race. The riding is spread out over several hours; with all the crowds, noise and excitement on race day, you may hardly notice the effort.
What kind of commitment is involved?
The cycle team practices Tuesday & Thursday nights during April, meeting 5:45pm at the Plaza of Nations taxi stand at 750 Pacific Boulevard, across the street from BC Place. We do a full-course practice Sunday April 26 at 7am, race day is May 3 from 6am to 3pm. It's not mandatory to attend every practice ride - we're all volunteers, so things are flexible.
How do I sign up?
Register online at the Vancouver Marathon website, email team captain Brian at the above address and come enjoy the next practice!
The main website for the 2009 Vancouver Marathon is
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
A record in my riding
I rode 48 km in total today, I have never ridden that far before. It includes:
8.5 km: home -> work
8.2 km: Rupert & Broadway -> BC place
21 km: marathon ride practice
10.1 km: BC place -> home
Hopefully I'll break this record soon. It is quite possible as I don't feel exhausted at all.
8.5 km: home -> work
8.2 km: Rupert & Broadway -> BC place
21 km: marathon ride practice
10.1 km: BC place -> home
Hopefully I'll break this record soon. It is quite possible as I don't feel exhausted at all.
Is English your second language?
We were having a code review meeting last Friday. There were totally 5 people in the meeting room, include 2 Chinese, 1 Indian, 1 Austrian and 1 American. When we were reviewing the code written by the American, the Austrian found a spelling mistake in the name of a variable.
The American said "Well, English is my second language........ I don't have first language"
The American said "Well, English is my second language........ I don't have first language"
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